
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Friday Nov 01, 2019
Welcome to
Episode 29 of
Endurance Horse Podcast
Created October 31, 2019
Welcome to episode 29 of Endurance Horse Podcast! So sit back, hold on and enjoy the ride!
Jen Moore Wisconsin, USA
Arctic Horse Skirt on Facebook
Crystal Esqueda Minnesota, USA
Binky Tunny Wisconsin, USA
Ruth Casserly Wisconsin, USA
Midwest Distance Driving Association
Aiden Esqueda Minnesota, USA
Tracy Johnson Wisconsin, USA
Carol (Boots) Wagner Wisconsin, USA [Photo of Madison Wagner]
Kimberly Fosler Illinois, USA
Keep ‘em Covered (Rump Rugs) on Facebook
Sarah Carlson Minnesota, USA
Julie Elijah-Barker North Dakota, USA
Marco Kellog North Dakota, USA
Christina ‘Send me files’ Hyke Wisconsin, USA
Creator of Endurance Horse Podcast
Endurance Horse Podcast
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her sweet husband, Jim.
Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world.
Cheers & Happy Trails!

Monday Sep 30, 2019
Episode 28- Updates- Endurance Horse Podcast
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Monday Sep 30, 2019
Welcome to
Episode 28 of
Endurance Horse Podcast
Created September 29, 2019
Welcome to episode 28 of Endurance Horse Podcast! We are working overtime this weekend to you not only part one & part two of Tevis 2019 to you, though also episode 28! The first unthemed episode in awhile! Now back to regular programming as we get caught up with more friends from around the world! So sit back, hold on and enjoy the ride!
Teresa Fett Minnesota, USA
Kerrie Tuley California, USA
Courtney Kruger Tennessee, USA
Julie Veloo
Griffin Keller Virginia, USA
Motoring Down the Trail- Griffin’s Blog
Jenna Corsiatto North Dakota, USA
Adriana Pires Neves Brazil, South America
Paranoia Team- on Facebook
MN So Far Away So Close- Adriana Blog
Heather Pudil Tennessee, USA
Christina ‘Send me files’ Hyke Wisconsin, USA
Creator of Endurance Horse Podcast
Endurance Horse Podcast
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her sweet husband, Jim.
Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world.
Cheers & Happy Trails!

Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Sunday Sep 29, 2019
Welcome to
Episode 27 of
Endurance Horse Podcast
Tevis Cup 2019
Part TWO
Created September 28, 2019
Welcome to episode 27 of Endurance Horse Podcast! We are working overtime this weekend to get this part two of Tevis 2019 out to you. You will hear some construction sounds at the beginning of this episode as Jim & I share with you the excitement we have of putting up our new barn. We hear from a rider who went to the educational ride that is hosted on the Tevis trail and you can hear about her experience to see if this is a trip you would like to take. We will hear more from more riders and a lot more from crew and from long time Endurance Podcast contributor Keisha Wood as she is both crew/volunteer helping to mark trail at Tevis 2019 . So sit back, hold on and enjoy the ride!
Some of the audios sent in were quite a bit longer than average, though I chose to share the extra audio, as it is full of good information, and it fits appropriately as this episode is about an extra lengthy ride.
Please have patience with Jim & I as we are quite giddy about finally getting our little barn built. I will be so happy to see all the horses peaking out of their stalls, I fully plan to after chores sit in my camping chair, eyes closed and listen to all the munching of hay. #happygirl
Lindsay Nichols Wisconsin, USA
Keisha Wood New Mexico, USA
Performa Ride Tights on Facebook
Don’t Forget to Hold On- Blog by Keisha Wood
Tonya Olson
Tahlia Franke Queensland, Australia
Angie Mikkleson North Dakota, USA
Jen McCabe Idaho, USA
Christina ‘Send me files’ Hyke Wisconsin, USA
Creator of Endurance Horse Podcast
Endurance Horse Podcast
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her sweet husband, Jim.
Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world.
Cheers & Happy Trails!

Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Friday Sep 27, 2019
Welcome to
Episode 26 of
Endurance Horse Podcast
Tevis Cup 2019 Part 1
Created September 27, 2019
Welcome to episode 26 of Endurance Horse Podcast where we will hear from not only the winner of Tevis 2019, though also from volunteers, crew and more riders! Did you know that the Tevis Cup, also known as the The Western States Trail Ride, has been held every year since 1955? This makes Tevis the most established modern day endurance ride in the world, possibly the universe. Tevis has been the inspiration for other such great rides as The Big Horn 100 and The Tom Quilty Gold Cup. It is amazing to me how one group of riders, with an idea can establish something so inspirational that has been standing the test of time for several decades, and that has inspired others to build on what was started by Wendell Robie and his friends.
Only roughly half (54%) of the people who toe the line to begin Tevis will complete it. The statistics at teviscup.org show that from 1955 until 2017 roughly 10,365 have started Tevis and only 5,615 had finished. To finish, is truly to win. I am equally inspired by those who did not finish, as I am by those who did, because it takes the same amount of courage to even attempt to finish and ride the Tevis. No one truly knows what may happen during a ride or how their day will go. We are grateful for those of you who send in an audio, whether you found your buckle at the end of the ride or not this time, thank you for including the listeners of Endurance Horse Podcast in your journey.
Of course, there was one horse rider team that did cross the finish line first and that was the young and talented Miss Sanoma Blakeley of Oregon. Sanoma crossed the finish line at 9:27 pm just ahead of a three time winner of the Tevis Cup. It is a testament to this young lady that her horse, RA Ares Bay, aka Goober pulsed down quickly and vetted out sound at the end of arguably the world’ toughest one day 100 mile endurance ride in the world. Sanoma has a proud heritage of endurance riding. Sanoma’s mother has 6 Tevis buckles, Sanoma’s father has 5 Tevis Buckles and Sanoma’s brother won the Haggin Cup in 2014 at the age of 15. As if that is not an interesting enough of a tale for you, Sanoma’s 2019 Tevis Cup champion, Goober, was found as a two year old on Craigslist, an add was offering him up as a free horse. Goober is her dad’s horse, and apparently earned the name Goober by his silly antics such as leading other horses around. Sanoma has said she has the greatest parents in the world, and the greatest horse, and who could argue with that? Let’s hear a brief recount of the Tevis 2019 journey from Sanoma herself, without further ado, I bring to you episode 26 of Endurance Horse Podcast, enjoy.
The Wendell Robie trophy is awarded to horses who have five Tevis completions. If you know of a horse who has met these requirements and not received the award, please follow this link for more information. Wendell Robie Award.
Sanoma Blakeley Oregon, USA
Blakeley Endurance Stables on Facebook
Angie Mickleson North Dakota, USA
Gwen Hall Colorada, USA
Kerrie Tuley California, USA
Jen McCabe Idaho, USA
Dante LaPierre North Dakota, USA
Christina Hyke Wisconsin, USA
Creator of Endurance Horse Podcast
Endurance Horse Podcast
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her sweet husband, Jim.
Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world.
Cheers & Happy Trails!

Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Friday Sep 06, 2019
Welcome to
Episode 25 of
Endurance Horse Podcast
Hello and Welcome to Episode 25 of Endurance Horse Podcast!
What do you think of when you hear the word MUSTANG? The iconic wild west horses running through the landscape? The P51 MUSTANG tearing through the skies of WWII? Or maybe the sleek design of Ford’s famous muscle car? Well this month, the cover of Endurance News is graced with the image of the kind of Mustang that this podcast is about today!
As mentioned above, when you get your Endurance News in the mail for September 2019, look closely at that young rider, her smile and the mustang that is carrying her all the way…..
www.wildmustangs.com to support
Mustang Endurance Horse on Facebook
Melissa Coolich & ZERO SUM Wisconsin, USA
Amber & Isidro Espinoza Arizona, USA
Isidro Espinoza Horsemanship YouTube Channel
Isidro Espinoza Horsemanship on Facebook
Andrea Maitland Arizona, USA
Arizona Endurance Riders Club on Facebook
Zonies- Arizona Distance, Endurance and Longriders
Jen McCabe & ODIN Idaho, USA
Valerie Jaques & HOSS California, USA
Carol Crawford USA
TJ Clibborn Wisconsin, USA
A True Partnership on Facebook
TJ (Terry) Clibborn is available for horsemanship and colt starting clinics. TJ travels the country teaching, training and coaching.
He has been a presenter at several horse fairs.
Wisconsin Mustang Adoptions on Facebook
WILD HORSE ANNIE- Velma Johnston
The YUKON HORSE- More about North America’s horse heritage
Are Horses Native to North America?
Nevada Horses & Wooly Mammoths?
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her husband, Jim. Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world.
Email your audio stories to endurancehorsepodcast@gmail.com
Ideally the files should be from 5 to 10 minutes in length.
Signing off for now, and until next time- Ride far, ride well and ride often

Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Non-Traditional Endurance Horses
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Thursday Aug 22, 2019
Welcome to
Episode 24 of
Endurance Horse Podcast
Created August 21, 2019
Hello and Welcome to Episode 24 of Endurance Horse Podcast!
I’m Christina Hyke, an equine photographer based in Southern Wisconsin.
This episode is focused on the non traditional endurance horse.
First, I wanted to share with you something I learned at the Midwest Horse Fair this year. I had a vendor booth there for my photography & it gave me a good segue to also share my love of distance riding with other riders. What I learned shocked me a little bit- here I was at an event that is plum full of riders from all over the Midwest- this is a 3 day horse fair in Madison Wisconsin that boasts over 300 educational clinics/seminars in three days, over 500 vendors and typically sees over 61,000 attendees.
At this horse owner filled event - most (as in likely over 70%) of the people I talked with about endurance had no idea what it was. Let that sink in. At a horse fair. Horse people did not know what endurance is.
The second thing I learned was that when I met riders who did know what endurance was- they thought it was a west coast only sport. Even though there are 56 rides hosted in the Midwest Region.
The third thing I learned was that the riders who did know what endurance was - did not think they could do it because they did not own an Arabian. Some people also felt they were too old, that the sport is for those under 25.
This podcast is to encourage those riders who maybe thinking of trying distance riding- that you can do it with any sound horse that you condition up well.
Some breeds of horses, generally, fair better in higher temperatures/humidity than others and some horse breeds in general do have naturally lower heart rates- though I would like to tell you that here are some horse owners that are riding a non traditional breed in endurance and they are loving it.
To confirm that the Arabian & the half Arabian are the go to horse in the sport I reached out to Mike Maul & AERC. Here are the 2018 numbers of breeds entered at AERC rides. Thank you Mike for providing the numbers & thank you AERC office for always being so helpful on the phone or by emails.
It is easy to see by the statistics Mike Maul so kindly sent to me that Arabian & half Arabian horses are not just seemingly the dominant breed in endurance- they surely out number the rest, easily. However, there are many great qualities to other breeds & this inspiration for episode 24 is to encourage you to try the breed you already have or the one you love.
I am sharing as the first audio in this episode, the before/during and after of my little 13 year old mare’s first LD with me, just over a week ago on August 10th.
I followed a conditioning plan, a few hiccups along the way (hoof abscess) Though much training & prayers- we got there.
I’m sharing Grace’s update on this episode because she was basically a love baby. She is by our Trakehner Karino’s Fire & our of our paint mare- Baily 💖 we intended Grace to maybe be shown in dressage- or trail ride. Certainly never pictured her as an endurance prospect. Though here I am, sharing with you the audio of our non traditional horse, a much adored mare, a big puppy dog personality.....without further ado, here is my emotional moment out somewhere between mile 21/22 when I knew that she was going to finish strong.
Thank you Grace for such an enjoyable ride- and all the rides we rode to condition to get to this point. Thanks for being the horse that added to my record & carried that 25 miles closer to my 1,000 mile goal. Here’s Grace…..as a few hours young filly. Am sharing this image of Jim walking with her for the first time, as he has been by my side all of the way, and also because this is how I kept seeing her on my ride, that is part of what caused emotion to swell, the other part that got me was the song “Flawless” that kept playing in my mind. It has the verse of “Grace, Grace, God’s Grace….” And I felt that it truly was the prayers that helped her abscess heal in time for the ride. So there was that to make me emotional at mile 21, her as a baby and also the fact that the conditioning plan had worked. I knew this was the right ride for her to begin.
Grace settled into her campsite August 9, 2019. She is amazing.
Love this little mare so much.
Jim with Baily & Grace
Song: “Flawless”
By: Mercy Me
Album: Welcome to the New
Patricia Clark North Carolina, USA
Off theTrack Standardbreds
United States Trotting Association
Year End Awards & Championships
New Vocations Racehorse Adoptions Program
Team Standardbred Endurance Horses on Facebook
Jo Harder Florida, USA
OTTB - Off Track Thoroughbreds
T.I.P. Performance Awards, Endurance Miles
Scoot Boots Articles by Jo on fit & gators
Horse Protection Association of Florida
Horse Protection Association of Florida on Facebook
Lauren Coziah Wyoming, USA
Grade mare
Libie Peterson Washington, USA
Moe Tenesee Walking Horse
TN Walking Horse Association Endurance Awards
Jessica Isbrecht Traveling the USA
Follow Jessica's traveling adventure:
On Facebook: Ride Climb
or on her Blog at Ride Climb
Top of the World Pioneer Endurance Ride on Facebook
Mackenzie Cleveland Bay/TB Mare
River Tennessee Walking Horse
Carol Wagner Wisconsin, USA
Partner American Quarter Horse
Joy Kinion Montana, USA
Chinook Morgan Horse Endurance
Top of the World Pioneer Ride on Facebook
Keith Kibler Illinois, USA
Shawnee Sunrise Farm on Facebook
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her husband, Jim. Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world. Chris and Jim also donate photography sessions to area rescues/humane societies, and Chris teaches photography to local 4H members. She enjoys the little things in life, because she believes it really is the little things that are the big things.
Email your audio stories to endurancehorsepodcast@gmail.com
Ideally the files should be from 5 to 10 minutes in length.
Signing off for now, and until next time- Ride far, ride well and ride often

Friday Aug 16, 2019
23. Part Two of Tom Quilty Gold Cup 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Friday Aug 16, 2019
Welcome to
Part Two
The Tom Quilty Gold Cup 2019
Episode of
Endurance Horse Podcast
Created August 15, 2019
Hello and Welcome to Episode 23 of Endurance Horse Podcast!
I’m Christina Hyke, an equine photographer based in Southern Wisconsin.
Since the beginning of Endurance Horse Podcast, Australia has been a part of the podcast. And one of the most wonderful things about the podcast is its ability to connect riders from all parts of the world. It is through those connections that I first learned of the Tom Quilty Gold Cup, a one day, 100 mile endurance ride based in Australia and inspired by the Tevis Cup.
*If you are new to endurance riding, you may hear different riders were first- that is because there is are weight divisions with placings as well as a Jr. rider division. The TQ 2019 had an amazing story in that Jolene Cole placed first HW rider & BC, along side her daughter, Emma, who was also first place Jr and BC. Flame, the horse that Emma was riding is from the same line of Chip Chase Sadaqa that Emma's grandfather, Peter Cole, rode to a Quilty win many years ago. This family has endurance legacy running in their veins! Thank you Emma and Jolene for sharing your journey & history, what a dream come true for you and your daughter.
In this episode of the podcast we are going to hear from the dauntless crew of Marvel Endurance, and yes, Kat- I caught that 'End Game' reference in your audio ;) (Marvel fan girl over here too) <3
Kat gives an excellent report of what it is like to be a sleepless crew, challenges of staying up beat, find the horse and keep the rider moving forward! Oh, yes, and documenting in photos & updates! Kat did an amazing job of keeping us all updated, even if her sleep deprivation had her wondering what hour, what loop...what day? It was. God Bless the strappers!
Kat Bullen Australia
Crewing for Marvel Endurance on Facebook
Kaye Lancaster New Zealand
Volunteering at The Tom Quilty Gold Cup 2019
Emma Cole Australia
Pictured here is Emma Cole & Flame riding along side her mother, Jolene Cole, on their way to a first place Jr rider & BC, and Jolene & Baribo on their way to first place HW & BC. Baribo was a rescue horse from a doggers auction, and is now shining star in the endurance community.
Victoria Clarke Australia
Victoria on her golden boy, Mizzy. There is so much history and meaning here, with golden Mizzy, between Victoria and her father. You just have to listen to Marvel's stories from the beginning to truly appreciate what this ride has meant to Victoria.
Adriana Srdne Australia
Many miles of memories and she definitely got her feet wet in the Quilty 2019.
We love you, Adriana, for sharing your story all along the way, and we are cheering
you onto your next adventures.
As promised, a link to Julie Suhr's book:
I did see it was out of stock at Barnes & Noble, though if you search Amazon,
I did see two dozen copies for sale there, too.
Huge shout out to Pandora Saddles for sponsoring a fantastic mid pack award, given to the Quilty rider that had the time right in the middle of the pack. I love that the award gives the mid pack rider something to hope for! A great reward for great pacing!
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her husband, Jim. Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world. Chris and Jim also donate photography sessions to area rescues/humane societies, and Chris teaches photography to local 4H members. She enjoys the little things in life, because she believes it really is the little things that are the big things.
Email your audio stories to endurancehorsepodcast@gmail.com
Ideally the files should be from two to 7 minutes in length.
Signing off for now, and until next time- Ride far, ride well and ride often

Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
The Tom Quilty GOLD CUP- Endurance Horse Podcast
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Tuesday Jul 30, 2019
Welcome to
The Tom Quilty Gold Cup 2019
Episode of
Endurance Horse Podcast
Created July 28, 2019
Hello and Welcome to Episode 22 of Endurance Horse Podcast!
I’m Christina Hyke, an equine photographer based in Southern Wisconsin.
Since the beginning of Endurance Horse Podcast, Australia has been a part of the podcast. And one of the most wonderful things about the podcast is its ability to connect riders from all parts of the world. It is through those connections that I first learned of the Tom Quilty Gold Cup, a one day, 100 mile endurance ride based in Australia and inspired by the Tevis Cup.
Sydney, Australia- April 5th 1966, a hotel was the location for a gathering of 23 riders who were meeting to discuss the possibility of Australia having a one day, 100 mile ride of it’s own. In that room, was back in 1966 the 23 people agreed and formed a committee to create a ride formatted after the Tevis Cup held across the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the United States. The Tevis had held its first ride in 1955, a decade prior to the formation of the Tom Quilty Gold Cup.
In celebration of the 53rd running of the Quilty, I would like to welcome Bob Sample to the podcast. Bob has a long history with the Quilty. His family has four generations of riders winning several Tom Quilty Gold Cups, Bob among them. Bob has been kind enough to send us a brief summary of the Quilty to kick off episode 22.
Ride far, ride well and ride often, every mile a memory.
Bob Sample Australia
Tom Quilty Gold Cup
Adriana Srdne and Victoria Clarke Australia
Emma Tylee New Zealand
Tahlia Franke Australia
Mollie Quiroz United States
Jolene Cole
Jenny Chandler New Zealand
Jenny’s Blog:
Huge shout out to Pandora Saddles for sponsoring a fantastic mid pack award, given to the Quilty rider that had the time right in the middle of the pack. I love that the award gives the mid pack rider something to hope for! A great reward for great pacing!
You can purchase the song byTrevor Knight:
The Ballad of Tom Quilty on iTunes
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her husband, Jim. Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world. Chris and Jim also donate photography sessions to area rescues/humane societies, and Chris teaches photography to local 4H members. She enjoys the little things in life, because she believes it really is the little things that are the big things.
Email your audio stories to endurancehorsepodcast@gmail.com
Ideally the files should be from two to 7 minutes in length.
Signing off for now, and until next time- Ride far, ride well and ride often

Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Episode 21 BIG HORN 100- Endurance Horse Podcast
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
Sunday Jul 28, 2019
The BIG HORN Episode of Endurance Horse Podcast
Episode 21
Welcome to
The Big Horn 100 episode of
Endurance Horse Podcast
Created July 27/28th 2019 (yes I pulled an all nighter again Daryl Owen)
Hello and Welcome to episode 21 of Endurance Horse Podcast!
I’m Christina Hyke, an equine photographer based in Southern Wisconsin
Today is July 27th, 2019.
When I learned that both Bridget and Dante were headed to the Big Horn 100 it inspired me to dedicate this episode of Endurance Horse Podcast to the Big Horn 100. The Big Horn 100 predates the creation of the AERC, American Endurance Ride Conference, that is an impressively long running ride! If you have been doing endurance very long, chances are you have heard of the Big Horn 100.
Shell, Wyoming is the base camp of the legendary Big Horn 100 mile, 1 day ride. Twice this ride has been host to the Race of Champions, and a champion you must be to ride from the elevation of 4,000 feet rising to the climb of 10,000 feet elevation. The Big Horn is a single loop of some of the most challenging, rugged and beautiful trail that America has to offer. It has been told to me by more than one rider that the difficulty of this trail rivals that of the Tevis Cup. I, personally, cannot say, as I have not ridden either trail, though I feel honored to share the stories from this trail with you, and maybe some of you are hearing about this ride for the first time and will hear the call of the Big Horn Mountains and take up the challenge to ride through climbing mountains, wild flowers and wild weather. Can you hear it? The Big Horn is calling you.
This year Big Horn 100 was managed by Cindy Collins. Cindy loves this ride and from all the good feedback I have seen online and in the files that have been sent to the podcast, the riders truly love Cindy and the Big Horn- the descriptions given have surely made the Big Horn a ride to aspire to and one to never forget. I am thankful to each of the riders who took the time to share their audio from Big Horn 2019. One of my favorite audios is from a rider traveled all the way from Maryland to see the Big Horn, one of her bucket list rides, get checked off of her list. Peggy Thompson has been riding endurance longer than the current AERC website has been keeping records. Peggy will share her journey on the 50 mile endurance ride at the Big Horn 2019, though before she does, here is a short history of the Big Horn.
Greybull, Wyoming, 1970 was the setting for a meeting of the Canyon Cavaliers Saddle Club. It was during this meeting that local rider, Dale Perkins mentioned an article he had read about a 100 mile, 1 day ride that traversed over the Sierra Mountains in California. The beloved Big Horn mountain was right in the backyard of the Canyon Cavaliers Saddle Club and Dale said that there was no reason why there couldn’t be a ride like one that hosted here, over the club’s much loved Big Horn Mountains in Wyoming.
The idea was well received by the club, though they needed help to create such a ride. They sought out advice from a Laramie veterinarian who they had heard had actually ridden in the Western States 100 Mile One Day ride, also known as the Tevis Cup. The young veterinarian Dr. David Nicholson agreed to travel to Greybull and share his insight into what it would take to manage a 100 mile, 1 day endurance ride in the Big Horn Mountains. And, thus, with a good idea, much homework and planning, the Big Horn 100 Mile, Inc. was formed, Tom Van Gelder was elected first president and created The Big Horn 100, Inc into a 501 c3 non-profit. So there you have it, in the fall of 1970 the concept of the Big Horn 100 began and the organization of the 501 c3 called the Big Horn 100, Inc. was established in 1971. The AERC, American Endurance Ride Conference was established in 1972.
Thanks to all the riders who sent in, we have another great collection of ride stories. Head on over to our facebook group to connect with more of the story through the images/videos that riders share there.
Without further ado, I bring to you the Big Horn episode of Endurance Horse Podcast, may you be encouraged, inspired and find a few riders you can relate to or at the very least, laugh with! Please let me know how you are enjoying the podcast by sending us an email.
Check out the links provided in the show notes as they have additional links to resources that relate to riders or events mentioned in the podcast.
Email your audio stories to endurancehorsepodcast@gmail.com
Ideally the files should be from two to 7 minutes in length.
The Riders of Episode 21
Cindy Collins Wyoming, USA
Ride Manager of Big Horn 2019
Peggy Thompson, Maryland, USA
Dante Fourie LaPierre North Dakota, USA
Laruen Coziah Wyoming, USA
Leah Cain Colorado, USA
Cain Performance Arabians on Facebook
Bridget Helms Wyoming, USA
Follow Bridget on Instagram
Tennessee Lane Colorado, USA
Jesse Feinsod Colorado, USA
Christina Hyke Wisconsin, USA
Endurance Horse Podcast
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her sweet husband, Jim. Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. Chris and Jim also donate photography sessions to area rescues/humane societies, and Chris teaches photography to local 4H members. She enjoys the little things in life, because she believes it really is the little things that are the big things.
It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world.
Cheers & Happy Trails!
~Christina & Houdini~

Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Episode 20 Endurance Horse Podcast
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Saturday Jul 13, 2019
Endurance Horse Podcast - Episode 20
Welcome to Episode 20 of the Endurance Horse Podcast
Publishing July 13, 2019.
Happy 27th Anniversary of our first date Jim!
Episode 20 will bring us updates from our wonderful friend, Darice Whyte, in Canada. She brings us news from the Maah Daah Hey Ride in North Dakota. Mollie Quiroz from California brings us a pre Tom Quilty introduction before she heads out for Australia, and much more.
Thanks to all the riders who sent in, we have another great collection of ride stories. Head on over to our facebook group to connect with more of the story through the images/videos that riders share there.
Without further ado, I bring to you episode 20 of Endurance Horse Podcast, may you be encouraged, inspired and find a few riders you can relate to or at the very least, laugh with! Please let me know how you are enjoying the podcast by sending us an email.
Check out the links provided in the show notes as they have additional links to resources that relate to riders or events mentioned in the podcast.
Email your audio stories to endurancehorsepodcast@gmail.com
Ideally the files should be from two to 7 minutes in length.
Darice Whyte Manitoba, Canada
Twisted Tales (Arabian Horse World)
Maah Daah Hey Endurance Ride on Facebook
Mollie Quiroz California, USA
Mollie’s Tevis Story In East Bay Times
Cassadee Jaksch Colorado, USA
Victoria Clark Toowoomba, Australia
Jose Luis Flores Puebla City, Mexico
Dante Fourie LaPierre North Dakota, USA
Bridget Brown England
Binky Tunny Wisconsin, USA
Christina Hyke Wisconsin, USA
Creator of Endurance Horse Podcast
Endurance Horse Podcast
About the creator of the Endurance Horse Podcast:
Christina Hyke lives in southern Wisconsin with her sweet husband, Jim. Chris is an equine & pet photographer who also happens to love the trails and distance riding. Chris and Jim also donate photography sessions to area rescues/humane societies, and Chris teaches photography to local 4H members. She enjoys the little things in life, because she believes it really is the little things that are the big things.
It was the love of covering miles through beautiful territory on good horses that inspired her to create a podcast about it to share stories with other riders from around the world.
Email your audio stories to endurancehorsepodcast@gmail.com
Ideally the files should be from two to 7 minutes in length.
Cheers & Happy Trails!
~Christina & Houdini~